is the first map I have made for Unreal Tournament 4. The biggest technical challange was learning how not to lose your work due to Unreal Editor malfunctioning every day. It was a constant struggle but now I hopefully am experienced enough to create new maps in the same engine without too much pain. Majority of the models (later I will hopefully replace them all) are made by me inside 3dsMax and Mudbox. I have been using custom textures as well.
Anturium is the Scientific base on the top of the mountains. Its a research facility that was gathering data about the planet "Anturium Nova Tr_001". The clouds on this planet were so thick that you could literally walk on them ! (in fact one of the bases below environment was build entirely on the clouds - it's going to be a challange for one of my future projects I think). Large turbines in the base are capable of sustaining proper atmpsphere density and swaping up the air inside the base.
Gameplay-wise the map is strongly vertical, large-scaled and has 3 main areas with one additional one. Players are capable of climbing rocks and reaching platforms in all sorts of ways. There are several elevators and jumppads and curved stairs for vertical transportation. There is plenty of health and armor all over the map, encouraging players to move around as much as possible.
I have to admit. I had a very warm welcome from the UT4 community. Those guys are very friendly towords newcomers and I am more then happy working with them on next projects. Together we can make anything! Many guys deserve thanks but two of them just need to be mentioned: Archer (for unshakable support, friendship and amazing music) and Vlad Serbanescu (for tremendous impact on how the map looks and plays now - feedback every designer has dreamt of)